Reading list


Adler, P. B., J. HilleRisLambers, P. C. Kyriakidis, Q. F. Guan, and J. M. Levine. 2006. Climate variability has a stabilizing effect on the coexistence of prairie grasses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 103:12793-12798.


Adler, P. B., J. HilleRisLambers, and J. M. Levine. 2007. A niche for neutrality. Ecology Letters 10:95-104.


Angert, A. L., T. E. Huxman, P. Chesson, and D. L. Venable. 2009. Functional tradeoffs determine species coexistence via the storage effect. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:11641-11645.


Carlsson, N. O. L., O. Sarnelle, and D. L. Strayer. 2009. Native predators and exotic prey - an acquired taste? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 7:525-532.


Chesson, P. 2008. Quantifying and testing species coexistence mechanisms. Pages 119-164 in F. Valladares, A. Camacho, A. Elosegui, C. Gracia, M. Estrada, J. C. Senar, and J. M. Gili, editors. Unity in Diversity: Reflections on Ecology after the Legacy of Ramon Margalef. Fundacion BBVA, Bilbao.


Chesson, P., Nancy J. Huntly, Stephen H. Roxburgh, Marissa Pantastico-Caldas and José M. Facelli. 2010. The storage effect: definition and tests in two plant communities. In C. K. Kelly, M. G. Bowler, G. A. Fox eds, Temporal dynamics and ecological processes. Cambridge University Press


Chesson, P., Kuang, J. J., 2008. The interaction between predation and competition. Nature. 456, 235-238.


Chesson, P., Rees, M., 2007. Commentary on Clark et al . ( 2 0 0 7 ): Resolving the biodiversity paradox. Ecology Letters. 10, 659-661.


Clark, J. S., et al., 1998. Stages and spatial scales of recruitment limitation in southern appalachian forests. Ecological Monographs. 68, 213-235.

Clark, J. S., et al., 2003. Coexistence: how to identify trophic trade-offs. Ecology. 84, 17-31.


Clark, J. S., et al., 2004. Fecundity of trees and the colonization-competition hypothesis. Ecological Monographs. 74, 415-442.

Clark, J. S., et al., 2007. Resolving the biodiversity paradox. Ecology Letters. 10, 647-659.

                        Note: see Chesson and Rees (2007).

Clark, J. S., 2009. Beyond neutral science. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 24, 8-15.


Holt, R. D. 2006. Emergent neutrality. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 21:531-533.


Holt, R. D. 2009. Bringing the Hutchinsonian niche into the 21st century: Ecological and evolutionary perspectives. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:19659-19665.

Holt, R. D. 2008. Theoretical perspectives on resource pulses. Ecology 89:671-681.


Holt, R. D. and M. Barfield. 2009. Trophic interactions and range limits: the diverse roles of predation. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences 276:1435-1442.


Ibanez, I., et al., 2006. Predicting biodiversity change: Outside the climate envelope, beyond the species-area curve. Ecology. 87, 1896-1906.


Knight, T. M., J. M. Chase, H. Hillebrand, and R. D. Holt. 2006. Predation on mutualists can reduce the strength of trophic cascades. Ecology Letters 9:1173-1178.


Kuang, J. J., Chesson, P., 2010. Interacting coexistence mechanisms in annual plant communities: frequency-dependent predation and the storage effect. Theoretical Population Biology. 77, 56-70.


Kelly, C. K. and M. G. Bowler. 2002. Coexistence and relative abundance in forest trees. Nature 417:437 - 440.


Lande, R. 2009. Adaptation to an extraordinary environment by evolution of phenotypic plasticity and genetic assimilation. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 22:1435-1446.


Levine, J. M. and M. Rees. 2004. Effects of temporal variability on rare plant persistence in annual systems. American Naturalist 164:350-363.


Levine, J. M. and J. HilleRisLambers. 2009. The importance of niches for the maintenance of species diversity. Nature 461:254-U130.


McCoy, M. W., M. Barfield, and R. D. Holt. 2009. Predator shadows: complex life histories as generators of spatially patterned indirect interactions across ecosystems. OIKOS 118:87-100.


MacDougall, A. S., B. Gilbert, and J. M. Levine. 2009. Plant invasions and the niche. Journal of Ecology 97:609-615.


Melbourne, B. A., H. V. Cornell, K. F. Davies, C. J. Dugaw, S. Elmendorf, A. L. Freestone, R. J. Hall, S. Harrison, A. Hastings, M. Holland, M. Holyoak, J. Lambrinos, K. Moore, and H. Yokomizo. 2007. Invasion in a heterogeneous world: resistance, coexistence or hostile takeover? Ecology Letters 10:77-94.


Oliver, M., J. J. Luque-Larena, and X. Lambin. 2009. Do rabbits eat voles? Apparent competition, habitat heterogeneity and large-scale coexistence under mink predation. Ecology Letters 12:1201-1209.


Proches, S., J. R. U. Wilson, D. M. Richardson, and S. L. Chown. 2008. Herbivores, but not other insects, are scarce on alien plants. Austral Ecology 33:691-700.


Roy, M. and R. D. Holt. 2008. Effects of predation on host-pathogen dynamics in SIR models. Theoretical Population Biology 73:319-331.


Sax, D. F., J. J. Stachowicz, J. H. Brown, J. F. Bruno, M. N. Dawson, S. D. Gaines, R. K. Grosberg, A. HastingS, R. D. Holt, M. M. Mayfield, M. I. O'Connor, and W. R. Rice. 2007. Ecological and evolutionary insights from species invasions. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 22:465-471.


Shea, K., Chesson, P., 2002. Community ecology theory as a framework for biological invasions. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. 17, 170-176.


Uriarte, M., R. Condit, C. D. Canham, and S. P. Hubbell 2004. A spatially explicit model of sapling growth in a tropical forest: does the identity of neighbours matter? Journal of Ecology 92:348-360.


Verhoeven, K. J. F., A. Biere, J. A. Harvey, and W. H. van der Putten. 2009. Plant invaders and their novel natural enemies: who is naive? Ecology Letters 12:107-117.


Volkov, I., J. R. Banavar, F. L. He, S. P. Hubbell, and A. Maritan. 2005. Density dependence explains tree species abundance and diversity in tropical forests. Nature 438:658-661.


Volkov, I., J. R. Banavar, F. L. He, S. P. Hubbell, and A. Maritan. 2006. Theoretical biology - Comparing models of species abundance - Reply. Nature 441:E1-E2.


Volkov, I., J. R. Banavar, S. P. Hubbell, and A. Maritan. 2007. Patterns of relative species abundance in rainforests and coral reefs. Nature 450:45-49.


Wills, C., R. Condit, R. B. Foster, and S. P. Hubbell. 1997. Strong density- and diversity-related effects help to maintain tree species diversity in a neotropical forest. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, USA 94:1252-1257.


Wright, S. J., et al., 2003. Gap-dependent recruitment, realized vital rates, and size distributions of tropical trees. Ecology. 84, 3174-3185.